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Crystal Blog

3 Most Powerful Crystals for Sacral Chakra

3 Most Powerful Crystals for Sacral Chakra

  The sacral chakra, also known as svadhisthana or "the place of the self," plays a crucial role in shaping our desired life. Neglecting this foun...
Gemini Season: Embracing Social Energy and the Power of Crystals

Gemini Season: Embracing Social Energy and the Power of Crystals

Gemini season runs from May 20th to June 20th and is a time of social energy, making it perfect for getting out and exploring the world. As an air ...
Balance Your Throat Chakra with These Three Powerful Crystals

Balance Your Throat Chakra with These Three Powerful Crystals

The throat chakra, represented by the color blue, is the fifth chakra and corresponds to the element of ether, which forms the essence of emptines...
Healing Your Heart Chakra with 3 Incredible Crystals

Healing Your Heart Chakra with 3 Incredible Crystals

The Heart Chakra is the 4th chakra that governs unconditional love and emotional power. When balanced, it can fill you with love, compassion, joy,...
3 Lovely Crystals for Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra

3 Lovely Crystals for Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located in your upper belly, governs your personal power, ego, and self-worth. Represented by the color yellow and the el...
Natural Cracks in Crystals: What They Mean and How to Identify Them

Natural Cracks in Crystals: What They Mean and How to Identify Them

Are you concerned about cracks in your crystal? Here's what you need to know: Cracks, fissures and fractures are called cleavage in crystalline ma...
Crystal Sharing Etiquette: Is It Safe and Appropriate?

Crystal Sharing Etiquette: Is It Safe and Appropriate?

Are you unsure whether it's okay to share your crystals with others? There are two different beliefs when it comes to letting other people touch y...
Differentiating Between Rocks, Minerals, and Gems

Differentiating Between Rocks, Minerals, and Gems

Are you curious about the differences between crystals, minerals, rocks, and gems? I often get asked by my friends, "What kind of rock is this?" a...
Are Fluorite Crystals Safe to Use?

Are Fluorite Crystals Safe to Use?

We often get asked whether fluorite crystals are toxic. It's a valid question, as some crystals do contain harmful substances. In the case of fluo...
Fascinating Facts about Moonstone

Fascinating Facts about Moonstone

Moonstone is a mesmerizing crystal that has captivated the attention of many crystal enthusiasts. With its alluring appearance and mystical proper...
Birthstone Crystals: A Guide to the Perfect Crystal for Your Birth Month

Birthstone Crystals: A Guide to the Perfect Crystal for Your Birth Month

  For centuries, crystals and gemstones have been used for their purported healing properties and believed to have special significance for people...
Understanding the Meaning of Crystal Colors

Understanding the Meaning of Crystal Colors

What do the color of crystals mean? As a child, I was always drawn to crystals and stones because of their vibrant colors. As I grew older and dis...