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6 Most Popular Crystal Grids Templates & Their Meanings

Harness the potential of crystals to manifest your intentions and tap into their healing properties with the help of crystal grids.

Discover the beauty and effectiveness of this tool that aligns geometric patterns with compatible crystals to focus and amplify your desires.



Crystal grids are an incredibly powerful and beautiful tool to use when manifesting your desire and intentions.

When we align an underlying geometric pattern with compatible crystals, we can focus and amplify our intentions.

The idea of this powerful crystal grid is that, when crystals are grouped together for a specific purpose, the energy of the crystal will be enhanced. 

As crystal grids grow in popularity, it isn’t hard to find a template for your intentions.

I’ve listed 6 of the most popular template of the crystal grid here: 


1. Flower of life

    These flower shapes are what is known as the Vesica Piscis or Mandorla in sacred geometry. The circles are arranged in a hexagonal geometry within a larger circle; they are spatial arrangements said to tell us the framework of the entire universe. It also often seen as the source of everything.



    Use a Flower of Life Crystal Grid For:

    • Balance
    • Harmony
    • Renewal
    • Manifesting
    • Creativity

    Merkaba Metatron's Cube 10cm2. Merkaba Metatron's Cube 

      A mystical 3-dimension cube used by the Archangel Metatron to watch over the flow of energy connecting earth and the divine.

      There are many geometric shapes within Metatron’s Cube that symbolizes protection around the world.

      Merkaba Metatron’s Cube is found to be a high vibration symbol that certainly cleanses negative energy.

      Use a Merkaba Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid For:

      • Cleansing Negative Energy
      • Psychic Protection
      • Spiritual Knowledge & Wisdom 
      • Spiritual Growth
      • Chakra Clearing
      • Clarity

      Helm of awe

      3. Helm of Awe - Runes 

        In Norse myths, the Ægishjálmrm, or most commonly called the Helm of Awe is one of the most mysterious and powerful Viking symbol used for ultimate protection. 

        It is usually worn between the eyes, or put on their shields to cause fear in their enemies.


        Use a Helm of Awe Crystal Grid For:

        • Protection 
        • Courage
        • Strength
        Flower of life + chakras

        4. Flower of life + chakras

          The Flower of Life is a visual expression of the connections of life interconnected through all sentient beings, believed to contain a type of Akashic Record of basic information of all living things.

          Chakras are the concentrated energy flow in the body and known to regulate emotions. 

          7 main chakras are matched perfectly onto the junctions of the flower of life.

          Use a Flower of life + chakras Crystal Grid For:

          • Peace
          • Balanced Energy 
          • Harmony in relationships
          • Prosperity
          • Abundance
          Metatron's Cube with the Platonic Solids

          5. Metatron's Cube with the Platonic Solids

            Metatron's Cube contains the five key sacred patterns or shapes that make up all matter in this universe, it is called the Platonic Solids...

            These shapes are star Tetrahedron resonates with fire, Hexahedron with earth, Octahedron with air, Icosahedron with water and Dodecahedron with universe.

             These shapes are the most primitive, stable and balanced in the universe!

            Use a Metatron's Cube with the Platonic Solids Crystal Grid For:

            • Stability
            • Solidity
            • Unity
            • New Life

             6. Chakras

              In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs.



              We have 7 main chakras in our body:

              1. Base or Root Chakra – Muladhara
              Survival, security, and is the closest to the earth
              2.Sacral Chakra – Svadhistana, 
              Sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure.
              3.Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura 
              4.Heart Chakra – Anahata, 
              Love & Compassion
              5.Throat Chakra – Vishuddha,
              6.Third Eye Chakra – Ajna, 
              Awereness & Guidance
              7.Crown Chakra – Sahasrara.

              Cosmic Consciousness, Union, Bliss

              How to use a crystal grid depends on what your goal or intention is...

              I find the most powerful healing and manifesting comes when you go with your gut feelings and what feels right for you as an individual.

              We have many wonderful crystals to offer at Turix Store that can be used for your crystal grids. We also have crystal grid templates to get you started!

               “Crystal grids reminds us that embracing positive thoughts can also lead to better decisions.”

              Many Blessings, 


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