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Crystal Blog

3 Most Powerful Crystals for Sacral Chakra

3 Most Powerful Crystals for Sacral Chakra

  The sacral chakra, also known as svadhisthana or "the place of the self," plays a crucial role in shaping our desired life. Neglecting this foun...
Gemini Season: Embracing Social Energy and the Power of Crystals

Gemini Season: Embracing Social Energy and the Power of Crystals

Gemini season runs from May 20th to June 20th and is a time of social energy, making it perfect for getting out and exploring the world. As an air ...
Best place for your crystals

Best Place For Your Crystals

Crystals possess unique properties that can significantly influence the energy and ambiance of the surrounding space. However, determining the id...
Is your crystal water safe? Crystals you CAN and CAN'T put in water

Is your crystal water safe? Crystals you CAN and CAN'T put in water

    Many crystal enthusiasts wonder whether it's safe to cleanse their crystals using water. While water cleansing is a potent method, not all cr...