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Crystal Blog


Best Healing Crystals for your Pets

Have you ever wondered about the impact of crystals on your beloved pets? Our furry companions bring us comfort, love, and companionship, yet the...

Do crystals REALLY work?

Are Crystals Effective? A Closer Look at the Energies That Drive Them Two common questions frequently come my way: "Do crystals really work?" an...
What do fluorite colors mean?

What do fluorite colors mean?

Crystals and minerals have been cherished for centuries, celebrated for their healing properties and captivating aesthetics. Among these, Fluorite...
Best crystals + essential oils combinations

Best crystals + essential oils combinations

Hey there! I recently delved into the world of essential oils, and I'm excited to share my experiences on combining them with crystals. If you're ...
What is an orgonite & orgone energy?

What is an orgonite & orgone energy?

Do you find yourself grappling with sudden bursts of negative energy, struggling to achieve restful sleep, experiencing mood swings, or battling f...